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Partnerships for worldwide distribution/retail

We traveled a lot to settle partnerships in order to spread the Avatar Grenade and related products in most parts of the world.

We’ve reached some of them :

REDWOLF AIRSOFT (www.redwolfairsoft.com)

Our very first historical partner for more than 2 years now. You can deal with them for almost worldwide distribution of the Avatar Grenade products, related accessories and upgrades.

KURT24 (https://www.kurt24.eu/)

Our EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR for Germany. Please contact our partner for all our Avatar Grenade products, related accessories and upgrades in Germany.

EVIKE.COM (https://www.evike.com)

Our DISTRIBUTOR for USA since 2018. EVIKE.COM is the most welknown and biggest Airsoft distributor for the American market and you can find our Avatar Grenade and Avatar Universe products now!

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